Turn a Gundam: Part 2
The conclusion of the series that celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Gundam franchise directed by Gundam creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino!
Synopsis: Wishing to turn the tide of war, Guin Rhineford leads the Earth Militia into space aboard the Willghem. His hope is that a solution for the conflict might be reached once they arrive at the Moon. However, Queen Dianna’s absence has caused disarray for the government she had left behind and created a power vacuum in the Moonrace leadership.
Meanwhile, for the sake of his friends, Loran Cehack continues to assist Guin Rhineford by piloting the Turn A Gundam. But as his knowledge of the machine’s operation grows, so too do his concerns about its terrible past recorded in the Dark History. Under what circumstances could a weapon this powerful have come to be forgotten?
On The Discs
Episodes 26-50 of Turn A Gundam in Japanese with English subtitles. (NOTE: The series never had an English dub produced, so this is a subtitle-only release.)
On-disc extras
Clean opening and closing title sequences; 3-part interview with Syd Mead (Mechanical Designer)
Packaging and Physical Contents
An amaray case to hold the 3-Blu-ray discs.
Product Details
Product Details
Release Date: 12/07/2021
BBFC: 15
Audio: Japanese only.
Subtitles: English
Format: Blu-Ray
No. of discs: 3
Region: B
SRP: £59.99
-Pillar Boxed video: When this series was made it was before 16x9 became standard for anime. As such is was animated for viewing on older 4:3 ratio televisions. To retain its originally intended video size, black bars will appear at the sides of televisions.
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