Turn a Gundam: Part 1
The series that celebrate to the 20th Anniversary of the Gundam franchise directed by Gundam creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino is finally available in the UK!
Synopsis: In Turn A Gundam a separate race of humanity has lived on the moon for 2000 years. Known as "the Moonrace," their technology is leaps and bounds beyond those that stayed behind on the Earth's surface. Now seeking to return to their original home, the Moonrace send three teenagers, Loran, Keith, and Fran, down to Earth on a reconnaissance mission to test the viability of its environment.
After spending a year on Earth, Loran has become good friends with Sochie and Kihel, daughters of the prestigious Heim family, and he looks forward to fully integrating into Earth society. But before Loran gets the chance to make his report, the Moonrace launch a surprise attack. Earth's primitive airplanes are no match for the superior power of the Moonrace's mobile suits. However, in the midst of the initial attack, Loran and Sochie uncover a long-forgotten relic: a white mobile suit. As a Moonrace, Loran is quickly able to grasp the basics of piloting it, but by doing so, he inadvertently places himself in the middle of a war.
On The Discs
Episodes 1-25 of Turn A Gundam in Japanese with English subtitles. (NOTE: The series never had an English dub produced, so this is a subtitle-only release.)
On-disc extras
Clean opening and closing title sequences.
Packaging and Physical Contents
An amaray case that holds the included 3 Blu-ray discs.
Product Details
Product Details
Release Date: 14/06/2021
BBFC: 15
Audio: Japanese only.
Subtitles: English
Format: Blu-Ray
No. of discs: 3
Region: B
SRP: £59.99
- Pillar Boxed video: When this series was made it was before 16x9 became standard for anime. As such is was animated for viewing on older 4:3 ratio televisions. To retain its originally intended video size, black bars will appear at the sides of televisions.
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