Tokyo Ghoul (live-action)
Based on the smash-hit manga & anime, a live-action adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul!
Synopsis: In modern day Tokyo, society lives in fear of Ghouls: creatures who look exactly like humans – yet hunger insatiably for their flesh. None of this matters to Ken Kaneki, a bookish and ordinary boy, until a dark and violent encounter turns him into the first ever Ghoul-human half breed.
Trapped between two worlds, Ken must survive the violent conflicts of warring Ghoul factions, while attempting to learn more about his powers.
Product Details
Release Date: 09/07/2018
BBFC: 15
Audio (for main feature): Japanese 5.1, English 5.1
Subtitles: English
Format: DVD
Region: 2
No. of discs: 1
Runtime: 119 mins (main feature)
SRP: £17.99
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