Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ: Part 2
Haman Karn, leader of Neo Zeon, invades Earth to strike at the corrupt Federation government. In order to foil her occupation and rescue his sister Leina, Judau Ashta and his friends trade through the African desert on the way to Dakar. However, the more people they meet, the more Judau realises the devastation and pain that the Zabi family has left behind.
Meanwhile, Haman will do anything to revive Neo Zeon, even commit genocide. Judau and the crew of the Argama must stop Haman before her terrible power brings devastation to all humanity!
Contains episodes 26 to 47 on Blu-ray with the original Japanese track with English subtitles.
Product Details
Release Date: 28/10/2019
BBFC: 12
Audio: Japanese only
Subtitles: English
Format: Blu-Ray
Region: B
Runtime: 550 mins (approx)
SRP: £59.99
*Pillar Boxed video: When this series was made, it was before 16x9 became the standard for anime. As such it was animated for viewing on older 4:3 ratio televisions. To retain its originally intended video size, black bars will appear at the sides of television screens.
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