Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
Synopsis: Illya's normal life is suddenly halted by the Kaleidostick Ruby, a magical wand on the run from her former master who instantly decides that little Illya has all the right stuff to become the next great magical girl. However, Ruby's previous owner Rin Tohsaka isn't exactly thrilled to be de-wanded, especially since she's just accepted an assignment to collect the seven legendary Class Cards.
It seems the only solution is for Illya to take up the task and learn the ropes under Rin's supervision.
Content: Contains the complete first series with both the English dub and original Japanese audio with subtitles.
Extras: Bonus OVA episode, Clean opening & ending sequences
Product Details
Release Date: 7/12/2015
BBFC Certificate: 12
Format: DVD
Region: 2
Episodes: 10 + OVA episode
Audio: English, Japanese
Subtitles: English
SRP: £34.99
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